Friday 9 May 2008


I agree with you that it affects children's education. I have come across parents who encourage children to take time off school which I think is bad and as a result there work suffers. I have seen children fall behind, struggle and under achieve because they are not attending school.

Thursday 8 May 2008



What is your degree subject (both if joint)?

Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking?

If so, how? And if not, why not?
To some extent it does with representation and cinema.

Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?
Appropriate level

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?

What did you think of the module team?
They were great especially Mark

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions?

Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?
No because I don’t like debates

Information and talk from lecturers?

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?

Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?

Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2?
Yes if it does not clash with another module I am planning to take.
Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?

Yes definitely
Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?
Yes it is a good way to see what other students think is bad.

What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)?
I think it is better to have two separate ones as it breaks it down a little
What have you learned from the module?
A great deal

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why?
Body modification because I heard about foot binding and the rings around the women’s necks but I didn’t know that it was a way of controlling them.
What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’?
I think it is a great module and I have really enjoyed it and learnt a lot from it. I think being bad is not just what we consider as bad but we should see the outer picture of what it can lead to that I think is bad. For some people something might not be bad and for others it might which shows we all see it from different perspectives which is good. We all had a right to our opinion and we were able to express it which made this module great.

Comment On: Christopher "Drugs and my personal view on them!"

I agree with you drugs are destroying lives and families. I too have smelt drugs on buses and it is a sickening smell I don’t know how these people take drugs. If you have never taken drugs and never intend to in the future then that means you know the bad side of it however there are people out there who think it is ok to take drugs. They are the ones that may take or are taking drugs as they see it as good and not bad. This shows that people who are engaging in such things will always comment on what you say about drugs being bad. I had a comment posted on my blog 'growing cannabis' and the person disagreed with me.

Tuesday 6 May 2008


I agree with you as I don’t smoke too and I definitely don’t like inhaling other peoples smoke. When ever I pass someone smoking I always hold my breath in order to stop inhaling the nasty smell and chemicals. The person who wrote a comment earlier would say that because he or she is a smoker and cannot see from a non smoker’s perspective. They talk about human rights then where are our rights of passive smoking why should we hold our breath for a few seconds and then gasp for some air later as someone out there is selfish and thinks about them self. I believe if they want to harm themselves that’s fine by me but please don’t make us a part of it as I don’t want to be a passive smoker.
06 May 2008 21:31

COMMENT ON: behaving badly FABRICE BUMBA "i feel that not many women masturbate"

Nusarat said...
Some women do masturbate and statistics show that 60% of women admit to masturbating. It says that 20% of women under 30 years of age masturbate once a week and 7 % do it every other day. Females on average begin to masturbate at the age of 14 or 15.There are some women who do not masturbate because they do not have a need to. Below I have listed the website where I got the information from and the other will give you more information on women and masturbation.

Body Modification

I think that some forms of body modification are ok as we all want to look our best and be satisfied with ourselves. But some people go to an extreme such as breast implants, tongue and penis splitting. Some people who are sick in the head and want to control women go to extents and carry out female circumcision and foot binding which I think is very bad and disgusting. There is no religious reference but just a cultural thing that carries on from one generation to the other. There are many ways a person can modify their body such as the following:

*Strike branding
*Skin peels
*Anal stretching
*Body piercing
*Breast implants
*Breast ironing
*Ear piercing
*Genital beading
*Genital bisection
*Tongue splitting
*Foot binding

The website below shows picture of body modification posted by people around the world and their comments on why they chose to modify certain parts of their body.
Picture taken

Monday 5 May 2008

Comment On: Becky's Being Bad Blog Transvestism

Last week I went out with some friends and we saw a transvestite on the dance floor I did not know he was a transvestite because he was dressed as a female. Later my friend told me I thought ok that’s his choice what he wants to be but I was concerned when he entered the ladies toilets. Should there be separate toilet for these people? Because they are on the border line I am not sure whether he was just a transvestite or transsexual or both I am confused.


I agree with you that people who spray graffiti should have designated place as this will reduce it elsewhere. They are people who are creative and want to show their talent and they have no where but public places to do it. Then this causes a lot of upset and damage so to prevent this I too believe that there should be a place for them to do it openly.

Sunday 4 May 2008

Comment On: Leanne's Blog"Bullying"

I don’t agree with you when you said that schools do not do enough to prevent bullying. I myself work in a school and believe me we do not tolerate any form of bullying and we do our best to protect children from it. I think you have made your judgement by looking at some schools that might have a high rate of bullying or it has gone undetected.

Thursday 1 May 2008


Some TV programmes are bad influence such as the ‘Simpson’s’ which has included shop-lifting, crime, and dealing with crude eating habits at the table. Children who watch these programmes will imitate what they see as Bart is seen as a cool character. There used to be a programme called ‘South Park’ which too was a bad influence on the viewer as the characters used very offensive language, were racist and bigoted about everyone and everything including themselves. Therefore ‘South Park’ was banned but it still appears on sky television.
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Tuesday 29 April 2008


Bandits are members of a gang of armed robbers. They turn to crime as a way of solving their problems. They are often seen as heroic. They might steal from the rich and distribute it to the poor. It sounds if they are doing a good deed by looking after the poor but they are robbing the rich which is bad. They sometimes end up killing people which is really bad.
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Monday 28 April 2008


Graffiti is often regarded as unwanted vandalism. People spray graffiti on public buildings, trains or other houses. I think they do this because they are quite artistic and want to show their talent. There aren’t any places where they can express it therefore I think they should be provided with a place to do graffiti in order to stop them from vandalising public places. There are many other reasons why people spray graffiti it could be because:

*They are bored
*They want to leave their mark to show they have been there
*They want to destroy things and make them look ugly
*They have a thrill by doing something illegal
*Buzz about being cool

Picture atken from.

Sunday 27 April 2008


I think it is really bad to see people using their disabled friends or families badges in order to park in disabled areas. This is very bad as people who are disabled cannot park because there space is taken by people who cannot bother paying for a ticket to park or walking the extra distance. Last year a conservative MP Anthony Steen was fined for parking in a disabled bay.

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Saturday 26 April 2008


It is bad to throw litter on the floor and not in the bins. People do not have an excuse these days as bins are provided on most of the streets. It’s not nice to see litter flying all over the place, especially in our front gardens as we have to sweep it up.
Research shows that 91% of litter found on Englands streets is down to pedestrians and people throwing rubbish out of vehicles. This is adding to the 450 million pounds being spent cleaning up our streets every year. Keep Britain Tidy research shows that people throw litter from their cars because they feel that they will not be seen and they won’t be caught.

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Friday 25 April 2008


Gambling is bad because people spend all their money on it and neglect their families. In some cases I have seen people not only use their money but their partners too. They might obtain this money through abusing partners or stealing in order to feed their gambling habit. Some of the effects that gambling has on people are listed below:

*Make your home life unhappy
*Affect your reputation
*In debt and have financial difficulties
*Need to borrow to finance gambling
*Careless of the welfare of your family
*Commit an illegal act to finance gambling
*Difficulty in sleeping

Below is a website about gamblers and their stories:
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Thursday 24 April 2008


Last week a house was raided which was converted into a cannabis factory. Police had to remove many plants from the house and destroy them. It is very bad and quite scary to know that drug suppliers are operating in our areas. Last year a house opposite mine was raided which too was a cannabis factory. These people are criminals and they must be caught as what they are doing is not just bad but illegal too. People who usually grow cannabis in a house have their curtains drawn all the time and tamper with electrical metres. The other signs to look out for are steamy windows, strong wafts of heat or smells. If you suspect anything then there is a website below to report them.
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Tuesday 22 April 2008


Comedians are professional performers who tell jokes and perform comical acts. Some comedians are funny and some are not. A joke by a comedian might be hilarious in one place but not another. I think comedians are not bad as they are only doing their job but some comedians might offend a person that’s what will make them bad.
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Monday 21 April 2008


People lie every day, they make excuses for their lies, small harmless white lies and big lies that prevent them from seeing themselves the way they really are. Some people lie over small things and if they told the truth it couldn’t have possibly compromised them in any way. Lying takes over their lives as it becomes a habit, therefore they are able to lie to any one whether to protect or hurt them. Some people say that they told a lie in order to protect the other person from harm or to prevent them from getting upset; to some extent it might be ok to do so. But some people lie through their teeth day in day out and to cover one lie they have to lie another ten times. Eventually these people do get caught as they start to forget who they told what lie and might say something different the next time round.
I used to have a friend many years ago who used to lie all the time. Her lies got bigger by the day and one day she said she had an operation because she has got cancer and she even wore a bandage where she said she was operated. I believed her at the time and little did I know she was lying, as time passed my other friend and I started to put things together and we realised she was lying and this made us very angry. We no longer talk to her as I do not trust her. It is just like ‘the boy who cried wolf’, how many times could you believe a liar and when or if they tell you the truth it will still seem as if they are still lying. There is a website below which tells you why people lie.
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Sunday 20 April 2008


Kid's is a film that shows what children get up to if they are not watched by parents. Without guidance they adopt dangerous ways which can or may lead to death for example through HIV. It is a shocking film that opens your eyes to what children might do. I think the title is inappropriate as children under the age of 18 would want to watch it. The title is inviting children to watch it they will think oh it’s called kids so it will be about kids and we should watch it regardless of the age limit. If children who are under the age of 18 watch it might imitate what they see as a lot of things now a days are seen as cool and not as warning signs. There are people who might learn something from this film but there are some that might become worse by watching this film which is why it is bad.

Saturday 19 April 2008


Stalking is when someone uses harassing or threatening behaviour. It could be physical stalking or cyber stalking. Physical stalking involves the following:
*Following someone
*Making harassing phone calls
*Leaving written messages
*Leaving objects
*Appearing at a persons home or work place
*Vandalizing someone’s property

Cyber stalking involves:
*Using internet to harass
*Use other electric means to harass

Research suggests that most of the stalkers are male. Stalkers have many types of psychological characteristics: mood, anxiety, substance abuse disorders, low self-esteem, social insecurity, narcissism, intense jealousy and morbid infatuation. Stalking is bad because stalkers watch people without their knowledge and that means they are invading their privacy.

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Thursday 17 April 2008


Pornography is a multibillion dollar industry. I think it is bad because the people who are used in the sex industry often need medical care due to infectious diseases which include AIDS. Pornography affects every viewer negatively. People are used in pornography to support the fantasies of others. The other bad thing is that the sex trade promotes an active role in promoting alcohol and drug problems.

The pornography website listed below states why pornography is bad. The points that I am going to make below are taken from this website. If you would like to know more or the reason for each point then I recommend you to visit this site as it will tell you all about it.

Pornography is bad because:

*‘Pornography feeds lust of the eyes and lust of the flesh, which are never satisfied

*Pornography sexualizes the viewer’s mindset

*Pornography promotes destructive practices and can lead to progressive addiction

*Pornography intensifies an individual’s drive to serve oneself, rather than serve others

*Pornography addiction can lead to debt

*By viewing and/or purchasing porn, viewers are supporting the porn industry and facilitating growth

*Looking at porn can damage the viewer’s family relationships

*Looking at porn at work could damage the viewer’s reputation

*Looking at porn can damage the viewer’s current or future sex life

*Looking at porn will increase the viewer’s tendency to lie

*Looking at porn can lead a person into masturbation addiction

*Looking at porn brings serious spiritual consequences

*Looking at porn helps you start to believe the lies it promotes
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Wednesday 16 April 2008


Masturbation is bad because it destroys your life in all aspects. Once you start masturbating it becomes difficult to stop. Masturbation affects a person’s life negatively in the following ways:

*Masturbation destroys your health

*Destroys your marriage or you relationship with your partner

*You waste your valuable time on masturbation

*Makes you feel guilty after masturbation

*Prevents you from having better sex with your partner

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Monday 14 April 2008


Strippers are entertainers who provide erotic entertainment by undressing to music. I think it is bad because when men or women show their bodies to strangers they are harming themselves and others. For example in a strip club they have rules you can look but cannot touch, men who watch women strip sometimes want more from them so if they can’t touch then they will still want to. Then some of these men might go out and fulfil that need by sexually abusing women or even committing rape to satisfy themselves and the cause of this could be the strippers.
Sometimes people think oh what’s wrong with stripping but little do they realise what it can lead to which is the main problem that makes it bad. There is a website below which contains a journal of a stripper and how she was nearly forced into prostitution.
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Friday 11 April 2008


I think that prostitution is bad as it involves selling their bodies for money which is a form of abuse. According to Prostitution Research & Education ‘Prostitution is in and of itself an abuse of a woman’s body. Men who visit prostitutes are more likely to be unfaithful to their partners as they can have sex when they want just by paying for it. Women who are prostitutes are seen as sex objects and because of these prostitutes all the other women are seen by men as sex objects too which is disgusting. There are many risks that people take when in prostitution or visiting prostitutes as they are vulnerable to catch many diseases. Research suggests that as a result of prostitution some prostitutes suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and are more likely to attempt suicide.
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Thursday 10 April 2008


I think being too religious is not a problem if people practise it themselves and do not preach to others that’s fine by me. People should not approach others on the street and tell them about their religion and that they too should consider joining. If a friend or someone I knew told me about their religion I would be more than happy to listen as I believe we should respect each others religion and it is nice to know the similarities and differences that we have. This way we will know how not to offend people and live in harmony. Some people mix religion and culture together as well as their wrong doings, which I think is bad. If you belong to a certain religion as someone who has committed a crime then they might blame your religion which I disagree with. All religions are unique in their ways and I have not come across any religion that tells you to do bad but people who are confused associate the wrong doing of an individual with their religion. People can be too religious if they want to because it is always people who are less practising themselves who don’t like people who are too religious. I know a few myself and what they think of religious people and what they say about them is bad. So if you are practising your religion and consider yourself as being too religious you are not doing anything bad carry on practising that’s your choice and ignore what other people think of you.
If you would like to know more about your or other religions there are two good websites below:
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Thursday 3 April 2008


The big problem in our country is alcohol. Some people may consume more than required and fall in the category of binge drinking. I have recently seen live programmes on TV when people are too drunk to get home by themselves and create problems for themselves and others. Some people are too drunk to realise what they are doing and harm others including police officers. I have seen police officers being verbally abused, physically abused including spat at when they try to calm situations when people are under the influence of alcohol. I think it is bad because people like me are paying tax every year for the police and a lot of the money is spent on extra police staff being sent out every night because someone is causing problems because they are too drunk.

The effects of alcohol are as follows:
*Increased sociability
*Lack of inhibition
*Exaggerated reactions jovial to aggressive
*Slurred speech

The health risks are as follows:
*Lack of co-ordination and impaired concentration
*Long term use can result in physical dependency
*Inflammation of the pancreas
*Cirrhosis of the liver.

There is a good website below if you need any help on alcohol or further information:

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Wednesday 2 April 2008


Shoplifting is bad because you are taking something that’s not yours. Whether you steal from a friend, colleague, stranger or a shop it is the same. Once you start shoplifting it is a bad habit to break. Why do people shoplift? Is it a need or is it the greed that makes them steal or the buzz they get out of it. Only the culprit knows why he or she stole something.
Many studies show that approximately 1/3 of shoplifters suffer from depression. This explains why some people continue stealing as if it were the norm. They find it difficult to stop as they can almost pick up anything they like without paying. Everyone likes to buy 1 and get 1 free offer but shoplifters steal 1 and get another free it’s their way of satisfying themselves. The majority of people like freebies if you are given by someone that’s fine but helping yourself to one is not so shoplifters shouldn’t steal. There are many reasons as to why people steal and according to shoplifters anonymous site the common reason why people shoplift/ steal are:
• ‘To express feelings of anger, revenge, or entitlement
• To fill a sense of emptiness due to grief or loss
• To try to make life seem fair
• As a thrill or high to escape problems, numb feeling, or ease depression.

People who shoplift and need some help can do so by entering the site listed below:

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Tuesday 1 April 2008


Adultery is the worst crime a person can commit when they are married. They cross their boundaries and break their vows of being faithful to their partner. I believe all marriages have ups and downs therefore their will always be some thing that people will lack as we are only human but there is no excuse for adultery. Adultery may or may not fulfil their needs it all depends on what’s on offer and what they are looking for to satisfy their needs. Adultery only fulfils a persons certain needs if they are lacking it in a marriage. If a person is happy with their marriage then adultery will not fulfil their needs as the marriage already has and those are the people that will not feel tempted to commit it.
In some cases if a partner is unfaithful then their spouse might commit adultery in order to take revenge or they are not getting the attention they need. I believe people who commit adultery create a problem for themselves if they are caught then they can loose everything, for example their partner, children etc.
Before committing adultery people should think is it really worth risking a relationship?

There is a good website below which explains which people commit adultery and why.
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Sunday 30 March 2008


By smoking you are harming yourself and others around you who breathe in your cigarette smoke which is called second hand smoke. People like myself who have never smoked and do not like the smell have become second hand smokers whether we like it or not. I think if people who smoke get a satisfaction by harming themselves that’s their choice but they should consider others who are trying to keep up a good health. Some people find it difficult to stop smoking as tobacco smoke contains nicotine which is a drug that is addictive and as a result makes it difficult to give up. If anyone is thinking of trying to quit smoking there is an excellent NHS site below you can visit which includes support services so that you are able to make the right choice for yourself.
Free NHS smoking helpline:08001690169
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Thursday 21 February 2008

Alton Towers

I think we should go to Alton Towers and enjoy ourselves. It will be fun and there are plenty of bad things that we can do.