Tuesday 1 April 2008


Adultery is the worst crime a person can commit when they are married. They cross their boundaries and break their vows of being faithful to their partner. I believe all marriages have ups and downs therefore their will always be some thing that people will lack as we are only human but there is no excuse for adultery. Adultery may or may not fulfil their needs it all depends on what’s on offer and what they are looking for to satisfy their needs. Adultery only fulfils a persons certain needs if they are lacking it in a marriage. If a person is happy with their marriage then adultery will not fulfil their needs as the marriage already has and those are the people that will not feel tempted to commit it.
In some cases if a partner is unfaithful then their spouse might commit adultery in order to take revenge or they are not getting the attention they need. I believe people who commit adultery create a problem for themselves if they are caught then they can loose everything, for example their partner, children etc.
Before committing adultery people should think is it really worth risking a relationship?

There is a good website below which explains which people commit adultery and why.

Picture taken from: fantasticfiction.co.uk

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