Thursday 10 April 2008


I think being too religious is not a problem if people practise it themselves and do not preach to others that’s fine by me. People should not approach others on the street and tell them about their religion and that they too should consider joining. If a friend or someone I knew told me about their religion I would be more than happy to listen as I believe we should respect each others religion and it is nice to know the similarities and differences that we have. This way we will know how not to offend people and live in harmony. Some people mix religion and culture together as well as their wrong doings, which I think is bad. If you belong to a certain religion as someone who has committed a crime then they might blame your religion which I disagree with. All religions are unique in their ways and I have not come across any religion that tells you to do bad but people who are confused associate the wrong doing of an individual with their religion. People can be too religious if they want to because it is always people who are less practising themselves who don’t like people who are too religious. I know a few myself and what they think of religious people and what they say about them is bad. So if you are practising your religion and consider yourself as being too religious you are not doing anything bad carry on practising that’s your choice and ignore what other people think of you.
If you would like to know more about your or other religions there are two good websites below:
Picture taken from:

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