Thursday 24 April 2008


Last week a house was raided which was converted into a cannabis factory. Police had to remove many plants from the house and destroy them. It is very bad and quite scary to know that drug suppliers are operating in our areas. Last year a house opposite mine was raided which too was a cannabis factory. These people are criminals and they must be caught as what they are doing is not just bad but illegal too. People who usually grow cannabis in a house have their curtains drawn all the time and tamper with electrical metres. The other signs to look out for are steamy windows, strong wafts of heat or smells. If you suspect anything then there is a website below to report them.
Picture taken from:

1 comment:

David Kynaston said...

I'm just curious as to why you think what "these people" are doing is so bad? I mean do you feel the same way about people who smoke cannabis? I used to smoke a lot of pot, but cleaned myself up. Whilst I don't think that cannabis is this glorified and productive drug that a lot of its users argue I don't necessarily think its that bad or evil. People who grow cannabis take a big risk or jail time and they also have to invest a fair amount of money into it to grow drugs that are good enough to sell. I think to say that its bad without giving your reasoning is maybe a little niave and arrogant. Are they really any worse than any business man who uses the labour of others to make money for himself?

The only "Bad" things I can relate to people who grow cannabis is that they don't pay tax and that its illegal - in this sense I know a lot of people who are 'bad'. A lot of legitimate business men and people who make money do so without paying tax... Wesley Snipes was recently jailed for tax evasion in The States and most people break laws on a regular basis, speeding is probably one of the most common ways.

Do you draw distinctions between levels of illegality? If so what makes you think that you have the right to do so?