Tuesday 6 May 2008

Body Modification

I think that some forms of body modification are ok as we all want to look our best and be satisfied with ourselves. But some people go to an extreme such as breast implants, tongue and penis splitting. Some people who are sick in the head and want to control women go to extents and carry out female circumcision and foot binding which I think is very bad and disgusting. There is no religious reference but just a cultural thing that carries on from one generation to the other. There are many ways a person can modify their body such as the following:

*Strike branding
*Skin peels
*Anal stretching
*Body piercing
*Breast implants
*Breast ironing
*Ear piercing
*Genital beading
*Genital bisection
*Tongue splitting
*Foot binding

The website below shows picture of body modification posted by people around the world and their comments on why they chose to modify certain parts of their body.

Picture taken from:tattoo-tattoo.com

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